The Digital Monkeys
"Be Unrivalled"

Website Development

Designing & Developing websites…


We build websites with the future in mind, if you think of some amazing, or a new thing your site should do, we can achieve a common goal.

The Digital Monkeys

Development </>

Project Insight

A project Insight is the first step to a creative website. We would love to have a personal meeting to discuss the scope and insights about the project. Our team comprises of creative individuals; UI/UX designer, copywriter, and website developer whose aim is to pipeline your ideas to reality.

Sketching & Wireframing

User Interface is a key element in any website development. Wireframing comes as a way to layout a skeleton website on paper and UI/UX designs to be a prototype.


The Website developer builds the Wireframe agreed in the most intuitive and responsive way that any user should feel responsive and friendly.

Deployment & Production

After a thorough development phase, we wait for your approval of the prototype and go straight to deployment. We provide hosting services and website migration. Finally, Its live!

Integrated Planning Framework


Website Development


Android/IOS Development


Hosting & Domain

Our Skills:

View Our Portfolio

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Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00AM-5:00PM

Reach to us to help you fulfil your Digital Transformation.


The Digital Monkeys

14, Pergola Flats Milimani,

P.O. Box 59925-00200,

Nairobi, Kenya.

Phone: 0112234044



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